LENT 2025: Life Under the Savior

We invite you to join us at Holy Emmanuel as we celebrate the forty days of Lent. This season we will reflect on different aspects of living a Christian life under the Lordship of our Savior Jesus.

March 5, Ash Wednesday: “It’s About Hope!”
March 12, Wednesday Lent: “Christian Freedom”
March 19, Wednesday Lent: “I Wish I Knew What to Do!”
March 26, Wednesday Lent: “Christian Motivation”
April 2, Wednesday Lent: “Conquering Sinful Habits”
April 9, Wednesday Lent: “New Life – Out of the Rut!”
April 17, Maundy Thursday: “More Power to You!”
April 18, Good Friday: “Obedient to the Call”

Worship services begin at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary.
Lent supper served in the Fellowship Hall, 3/5-4/9, from 5-6:15pm.